I'd like to justify all the mess I create as a side effect of my textile education and for a while my family bought the excuse but (not surprisingly)the effect has worn off over the years...SIGH!
BUT!despite messiness being my default personality disorder, there is some truth to the creative arts contributing to messy surfaces,spaces and situations.
This post is exactly about that, I hope to put the pretty into my 'mess' via a series of photos that I've been taking of my work in progress over the past few weeks...
Is it just me!?
Printed design research...often lies in a pile until I can stick it into my design journal...
Play with clay! I'm so excited about this project. More details in the next few posts.STAY TUNED!
Colour mixing...I love a coloured mess!
What creative mess are you surrounded by today ? :)
P.S : All images are very precious to me and hence are protected by copyright.Please let me know if you want to share them, pin them , tweet them or any other lovely thing you'd like to do with them. Thanks!