I'm very excited about this post,coz I finally get to show you some final/refined work!YAY!If you've been reading then it will all make sense but if this is your first visit , then WELCOME and dont worry!You'll soon catch on!
So, following on from my marathon painting session for the past couple of days, I finally have 15 design concepts for my Kitchen Accessory collection! I was pretty happy with all of them and after my review with lecturers and the designers from the company I have to narrow down to a collection of 10 designs which I then have to apply to kitchen products : aprons,tea towels,pot holders and oven gloves!
I chose to present the 15 designs as three mini collections ...
Here's a peak ;)
Collection one - This one was based on a large scale florals and origami birds...
Collection two - Inspired by a traditional Chinese style of pattern called 'Chinoiserie'
Collection three- A BOLD + Dark colour story with a strong circular theme...
Close up of a few of the patterns (all hand painted as it was done in the old days !)
Just a pretty picture...
Hope these colours and patterns made your day happier! It always does for me!!!
Next step is to sit myself down and translate these hand painted ideas into computer generated / technically accurate textile designs!
So why start with the hand?
Well,to put it simply, the imperfection of a hand painted piece of work sets the mood and feel of a design in a way a computer never can. Now that I have all these lovely hand drawn lines/flowers/patterns its quite easy for me to replicate them on the computer... But if I had started on the computer in the first place, this collection would have had a VERY different and in a way 'STATIC/GRAPHIC' feel :)
The 'hand generated mark' is so unique to each designer and thats what defines our signature style!
What do you think mine is ? :)
Until next time...
Tanya, this is incredible!